CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory graphics/pstricks/contrib/piechart

                 |         piechart.sh - pie-data.sh        |
		 | shell+AWK scripts to generate pie charts |
		 |                                          |
		 | piechart: version 2.3 (October 28, 1996) |
		 | pie-data: version 1.3 (October 24, 1996) |
		 |    Denis Girou <Denis.Girou@idris.fr>    |

  These two shell+AWK scripts allow to generate pie charts using some small
data and parameters files.

  The capacities are very limited and it will be superceded in the future by
the PstChart program (see http://www.tug.org/applications/PSTricks/PstChart).

Denis Girou (updated February 25, 1998)

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (8.3k).

piechart – Simple pie-charts with PSTricks

A pair of shell+AWK scripts that uses small parameter files to generate pie-charts (expressed as code using PSTricks).

MaintainerDenis Girou
Gen chart
See alsopiechartmp
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