CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory fonts/georgian/stanier

This is a (somewhat crude) font of the 33-character Mkhedruli alphabet,
as used in the Georgian Republic. The letter forms are taken from
Howard I Aronson's "GEORGIAN A Reading Grammar" (Slavica Publishers,
Columbus Ohio, 1989)

Comments, criticisms, etc, to Alan M Stanier (alan@essex.ac.uk)

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (4.8k).

georgian-stanier – A Georgian font

The package provides fonts for the Mxedruli alphabet for writing Georgian; the font is available in two shapes—upright and italic.

The fonts are distributed as source; they work poorly in modern environments, and could do with expert attention (if you are interested, please contact the CTAN team for details).

Version 1994-06-17
MaintainerAlan Stanier
TopicsNonroman Font
MF Font
See alsomxedruli
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