CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory macros/latex/contrib/orcidlink



style file to add a macro for inserting a linked ORCiD logo

This style file just defines a single macro, \orcidlink. The code is from this .SE answer. My contribution was wrapping it into a style file (and improving the fragility of the command a bit).


If orcidlink is already provided in your distribution, skip this section. You should be able to install orcidlink from the CTAN via your distribution's utility (e.g. the Live Utility). Alternatively, you can get the package from the source repository on GitHub. If you do not want to do a "full" installation, just copy orcidlink.sty into the same directory as your source.


In your preamble, add:


When you want to insert the hyperlinked ORCiD logo, use \orcidlink{0000-0000-0000-0000}, replacing the digits with your ORCiD (just the digits, not your whole URL). This is most common in the author list. For example, in a revtex article, you would write e.g.

\author{Emmy Noether\,\orcidlink{0000-0000-0000-0000}}

This will appear as a clickable hyperlink, and will look like this:Author LaTeX render preview image

Dependancies and Compatibility

This package relies on the following packages:

All of these packages are included in the popular Live distribution, so most users should not have to install anything new.

If you want to pass options to either of these packages, load them before you load orcidlink. Similarly, if you want to specify options to e.g. xcolor, load xcolor before loading tikz or orcidlink.


The original TikZ icon code was created by user Milo on .SE. This package was created and is maintained by Leo C. Stein, (c) 2019-2023. This material is subject to the Project Public License 1.3c.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (177.1k).

orcidlink – Insert hyperlinked ORCiD logo

This package provides a command to insert the ORCiD logo, which is hyperlinked to the URL of the researcher whose iD was specified.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/duetosymmetry/orcidlink-LaTeX-command/issues
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2020 Leo Stein
MaintainerLeo Stein
Contained inTeX Live as orcidlink
MiKTeX as orcidlink
TopicsGraphics symbols
See alsodoi
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