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Directory macros/latex/contrib/kdgdocs

*                                                          *
*                The kdgcoursetext class                   *
*                                                          *
                                                Walter Daems 

As of 2010, The Karel de Grote University College has 
adopted a new house style. 
This class file implements the house style for course texts.
Using this class file will make it easy for you to make and 
keep your course texts compliant to this version and future 
versions of the KdG house style.

If you think
  - there's an error in compliancy w.r.t. the house style,
  - there's a feature missing in this class file,
  - there's a bug in this class file,
please, contact us through e-mail (paul.levrie@kdg.be or
walter.daems@kdg.be). We'll provide you with an answer
and if (and as soon as) possible with a solution to the 
problem you spotted.

Do you like this class file? You're welcome to send us 
beer, wine, or just kind words.

A TDS version of this package could be layed out as follows:
|-- doc
|   `-- latex
|     `-- kdgcoursetext
|         |-- example.pdf
|         |-- example.tex
|         |-- kdgcoursetext.pdf
|         `-- pi-orchid.jpg
|-- source
|   `-- latex
|       `-- kdgcoursetext
|           |-- kdgcoursetext.dtx
|           `-- kdgcoursetext.ins
`-- tex
    `-- latex
        `-- kdgcoursetext
            |-- kdg_color.eps
            |-- kdg_color.pdf
            `-- kdgcoursetext.cls


see file LICENSE

 *** v0.1 - 2011/03/10 ***

   - Initial version

 *** v0.2 - 2011/03/11 ***

   - Improved documentation based on revision by Paul

 *** v0.3 - 2011/03/12 ***

   - Fixed treatment of ligatures for XeTeX
   - Made workaround for positioning of titlepagepicture to overcome
     XeLaTeX problems.
   - Introduced department and departmentacronym tag macros to
     allow other departments to use this class.
   - Made package compliant to CTAN TDS guidelines}

 *** v0.4 - 2011/03/13 ***

   - Corrected license conditions after remark about inconsistency 
     by CTAN maintainer.

 *** v0.5 - 2011/07/19 ***

   - Minor corrections applied on first real-world use (a.o. 
     raggedbottom and raggedright, to comply with the KdG quality 
     standard for written study content)

 *** v1.0 - 2011/11/01 ***

   - Consolidated kdgcoursetext class (thoroughly tested with my DSP 
   - Added kdgmasterthesis class

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (862.6k).

kdgdocs – Document classes for Karel de Grote University College

The bundle provides two classes for usage by KdG professors and master students:

  • kdgcoursetext: for writing course texts, and
  • kdgmasterthesis: for writing master's theses.

The bundle replaces the original kdgcoursetext package (now removed from the archive).

LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2010–2011 Paul Levrie and Walter Daems
MaintainerWalter Daems
Paul Levrie
Contained inTeX Live as kdgdocs
MiKTeX as kdgdocs
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