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Directory macros/latex/contrib/cv4tw



CV class, with assets, social networks, and customizable styles.

Official site is on GitHub: https://github.com/Cicatrice/cv4tw

Available themes

  • sharp: Elegant header, to introduce a long resume
  • simple: A classic format, perfect for resume with short contacts details
  • compact: design for short CV (1 page), with a left column showing your picture and contact details

Have a look to the themes matrix!

Available schemes

  • celadon
  • tan
  • gray
  • purple
  • teal
  • minuit
  • Default theme is red
  • If you want a custom scheme, add the following lines right before \usetheme statement

texdefinecolorifnotdef{contrastmain}{RGB}{219,255,242} % Main theme color in contrast mode definecolorifnotdef{main}{RGB}{60,76,70} % Main theme color definecolorifnotdef{soft}{RGB}{50,64,58} % Soft color, for title

Quick install guide

on Fedora
* Run the following command
bash sudo yum install texlive texlive-xetex texlive-newenviron texlive-xetex-def texlive-xstring texlive-lastpage texlive-libertine texlive-euenc texlive-pbox texlive-needspace texlive-fontawesome fontawesome-fonts texlive-realboxes

on Debian-based
* Run the following command
bash sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra texlive-xetex texlive-fonts-extra fonts-linuxlibertine

on Windows
* Install MikTeX
* All depedencies might be installed automatically on LaTeX processing

Compile example
* go in [`examples`](examples) folder
* on Windows, edit Makefile, and replace `TEXINPUTS=.:..:` with `TEXINPUTS=..`
* run: 
bash make clean all
* default theme is [`sharp`](examples/sample-jules-verne-sharp.pdf). To use another exemple, run the following command:
bash CVTHEME=compact make clean all

Go further with customization
If you need some changes in themes, you can have a look to [this guide](CUSTOMIZE.md).

Change logs
* 2014-05-25: even more documentation
* 2014-05-21: quick install guide, custom fields added
* 2014-01-19: working version, lack a bit of documentation
* 2014-01-08: alpha version, almost working

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (134.8k).

cv4tw – CV class, with extended details

The class offers entries for assets and social networks; customizable styles are provided.

The class comes with no documentation, but a worked example offers some guidance.

Version0.2 2014-05-27
LicensesFree license not otherwise listed
MaintainerGeoffrey Gouez
TDS archivecv4tw.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as cv4tw
MiKTeX as cv4tw
See alsomoderncv
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