%------------------8<--------------------8<------------8<-------------- %losymbol.sty by gerry van dooren, may 1992, revised august 1992. % elecgd@urc.tue.nl % %definition is nearly analogous to the setup for list of figures %and list of tables; use same definition using \@starttoc, %however default extension is now .los % %MODIFICATIONS: % %1. losymbol.sty can now always be used, without paying attention to the % style file used in de main document (using if undefined) . % %2. It appeared that, if the list of symbols is larger than one page, % the pagenumber of the list in the table of contents was the last page % of the list of symbols. This is also repaired by interchanging the % \addcontentsline{} and the \starttoc{} statements . % %PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED: % %1. If the explanation of the symbols is longer than the width of the % right column, the linespacing is not uniform anymore. The solution % to this problem is not yet found . % \def\losymbolsname{List of symbols} \def\listofsymbols{\@ifundefined{chapter}{% \section*{\losymbolsname \@mkboth {\uppercase{\losymbolsname}}{\uppercase{\losymbolsname}}} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\losymbolsname}\@starttoc{los} }{% \chapter*{\losymbolsname \@mkboth {\uppercase{\losymbolsname}}{\uppercase{\losymbolsname}}} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\losymbolsname}\@starttoc{los} } } % %command for putting text in file \jobname.loa is \addsymbol %command that is used for actually producing text is called %\makenicesymbolline \def\addsymbol#1#2{% \addtocontents{los}{\protect \makenicesymbolline{#1}{#2}}} % %physical dimensions of columns % \newdimen\@lcsym %width of left column \@lcsym=3cm %default 3cm % \newdimen\@mcsym %width of mid column (space) \@mcsym=2cm %default 2cm % \newdimen\@rcsym %width of right column \@rcsym=\hsize %initial width=textwidth % \advance\@rcsym by -\@lcsym %subtract lcsym \advance\@rcsym by -\@mcsym %subtract mid % %command for producing the actual line uses standard minipages %to cope with long definitions % \def\makenicesymbolline#1#2{% \begin{minipage}[t]{\@lcsym}#1\end{minipage}% $\hspace{\@mcsym}$% \begin{minipage}[t]{\@rcsym}#2\end{minipage}\newline} % %end of losymbol.sty