%% %% TimeTab Style by Tobias Oetiker Created 1993-4-19 %% >>>>>>>>>>BETA VERSION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %% %% Works Best with NFSS installed ... (but works anyway) %% %% Comments to oetiker@stud.ee.ethz.ch please %% %% This Style implements a new environment to create %% timetables as in the example below. %% %% %% Environment: timetab{Unitlength}% %% {Horizontal Boxes}{Vetical Boxes}% %% {X Box Size}{Y Box Size} %% Commands: \Lek{X Location}{Y Location}{Vertical Size in Boxes}{Text} %% \BLek similar to \Lek but with bold and larger Font. %% %% Example: to create a Time Table like This: %% _______ ________ ________ %% | Time | | | %% |_______| Other |________| %% | | Field | | %% | Cente |________| | %% | TxT | | | %% |_______| | 4.Fie | %% | | | | %% | |________| | %% | | | | %% |_______|________|________| %% %% Enter: %% \documentstyle[timetab]{article} %% \begin{document} %% \begin{timetab}{0.8cm}{3}{5}{3}{1} %% \BLek{0}{0}{1}{Time} %% \Lek{1}{0}{2}{Other\\Filed} %% \Lek{0}{1}{2}{Cente\\TxT} %% \Lek{1}{2}{2}{} %% \Lek{2}{1}{4}{4.Fie} %% \end{timetab} %% \end{document} %% %% %% 1993-4-19 Version 0.1 Initial Creation of this Style %% \newcount\tmfx \newcount\tmfy \newcount\tmfh \newcount\XNR \newcount\YNR \newcount\Breite \newcount\Hoehe \newcount\THoehe \newcount\TBreite \newenvironment{timetab}[5]{% \setlength{\unitlength}{#1} \XNR=#2 % Number of Boxes Horizontal \YNR=#3 % Number of Boxes Vertical \Breite=#4 % X Size of a Box \Hoehe=#5 % Y Size of a Box \THoehe=\Hoehe \multiply \THoehe by \YNR \TBreite=\Breite \multiply \TBreite by \XNR \begin{picture}(\TBreite,\THoehe)(0,-\THoehe) \put(0,0){\line(1,0){\TBreite}} \put(0,-\THoehe){\line(1,0){\TBreite}} \put(0,0){\line(0,-1){\THoehe}} \multiput(\Breite,0)(\Breite,0){#2}{\line(0,-1){\THoehe}}% }{\end{picture}} \newcommand{\Lek}[4]{% \tmfh=#3 \multiply \tmfh by \Hoehe \tmfx=#1 \multiply \tmfx by \Breite \tmfy=#2 \advance \tmfy by #3 \multiply \tmfy by \Hoehe \put(\tmfx,-\tmfy){% \begin{picture}(\Breite,\tmfh)(0,0) \put(0,0){\makebox(\Breite,\tmfh){% \parbox{\Breite\unitlength}{\centering\footnotesize\sf #4}}} \multiput(0,0)(0,\tmfh){2}{\line(1,0){\Breite}} \end{picture} } } \newcommand{\BLek}[4]{\Lek{#1}{#2}{#3}{\small\sf\bf #4}} \endinput