\@ifundefined{ProvidesPackage}{\def\ProvidesPackage#1[#2]{}}{} \ProvidesPackage{topcapt}[2004/12/11 v1.2 Caption at top of float] % Copyright 1994, 1998, 1999, 2004 Robin Fairbairns % % This program can redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This is a jiffy LaTeX package that enables coherent setting % of the caption _above_ a figure or table % % Author: Robin Fairbairns 1994/11/18 % Bugfix from Bernd Schandl incorporated 1998/12/31 % First stab at hyperref interworking 2004/12/11 % Copyright statement incorporated 1999/03/03 % % Works under 2e or 2.09 % % Usage: \usepackage{...,topcapt,...} (2e) % \documentstyle[...,topcapt,...]{whateverclass} (2.09) % % defines a \topcaption command that sets a caption as if above the % table (i.e., with the abovecaptionskip and the belowcaptionskip % exchanged) \@ifundefined{abovecaptionskip}{% in 2.09 \newlength\abovecaptionskip \newlength\belowcaptionskip \setlength\abovecaptionskip{10pt} \setlength\belowcaptionskip{0pt} \long\def\@makecaption#1#2{% \vskip\abovecaptionskip \sbox\@tempboxa{#1: #2}% \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize #1: #2\par \else \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}% \fi \vskip\belowcaptionskip} }{% in 2e; everything's already set up as above } % \topcaption simply advances the caption count, sorts out the % arguments and passes on to \@topcaption \newcommand\topcaption{% \@ifundefined{H@refstepcounter}% {\refstepcounter}{\H@refstepcounter}\@captype \@dblarg{\@topcaption\@captype}% } % \@topcaption swaps above and below caption skips and the relays its % arguments to \@caption \def\@topcaption#1[#2]#3{\@tempskipa\abovecaptionskip \abovecaptionskip\belowcaptionskip \belowcaptionskip\@tempskipa \@caption{#1}[{#2}]{#3}% \@tempskipa\abovecaptionskip \abovecaptionskip\belowcaptionskip \belowcaptionskip\@tempskipa}